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发布日期:2021-11-26    作者:     来源:     点击:

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1 Changes in Sugar Accumulation and Related Enzyme Activities of Red Bayberry (Myrica rubra) in Greenhouse Cultivation 吴伯萍
Horticulturae SCI  2021-10-22
2 The combination of R2R3-MYB gene AmRosea1 and hairy root culture is a useful tool for rapidly induction and production of anthocyanins in Antirrhinum majus 朴春兰,吴金国(学) 崔敏龙 AMB Express SCI 2021-09-14
3 Effects of BrMYC2/3/4 on plant development, glucosinolate metabolism and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana 滕芝妍(学)
Frontiers in Plant Science SCI 2021-09-03
4 Identification of a rice metallochaperone for cadmium tolerance by an epigenetic mechanism and potential use for clean up in wetland 冯圣军 杨志敏(外) Environmental Pollution SCI 2021-07-21
Transcriptome Profiling Reveals Candidate Key Genes Involved in Sinigrin Biosynthesis in Brassica nigra 李阳(学) 何勇,朱祝军 Horticulturae SCI 2021-07-02
6 欧洲千里光 CYCLOIDEA ( CYC ) 类 SvRAY 1 基因的克隆及功能分析 陈柯俐(学) 崔敏龙 bat365在线平台官网学报
7 Role of Glutathione-Ascorbate Cycle and Photosynthetic Electronic Transfer in Alternative Oxidase-Manipulated Waterlogging Tolerance in Watermelon Seedlings 郑佳雯(学) 朱祝军,何勇 Horticulturae SCI 2021-06-03
8 矮生观赏番茄种质资源农艺性状鉴定及观赏性评价 张钟炎(学) 祝彪 浙江大学学报(农业与生命科学版)
9 Melatonin elevated Sclerotinia sclerotiorum resistance via modulation of ATP and glucosinolate biosynthesis in Brassica rapa ssp. pekinensis 滕芝妍(学) Bingxian Yang(外),臧运祥 Journal of Proteomics SCI 2021-05-11
10 Interaction of gibberellin and other hormones in almond anthers: phenotypic and physiological changes and transcriptomic reprogramming 李鹏(外) 郭长奎,李疆(外) Horticulture Research SCI 2021-05-01
11 十字花科植物黄化突变特性及其分子机制研究进展 吴砚农(学) 臧运祥 bat365在线平台官网学报
12 ABI5 acts downstream of miR159 to delay vegetative phase change in Arabidopsis 郭长奎 吴刚 NEW PHYTOLOGIST SCI 2021-03-28
13 植物钙蛋白酶的结构和功能 丁竞(学) 郭长奎 植物生理学报
14 白菜 BcSOTs 的序列特征及在害虫胁迫下的表达模式分析 蔡九琦(学) 郁有健 热带作物学报
15 外源谷胱甘肽喷施对缺硫胁迫下小白菜谷胱甘肽代谢的影响 王丹(学) 祝彪 植物营养与肥料学报
16 Alternative oxidase pathway is likely involved in waterlogging tolerance of watermelon 郑佳雯(学) 朱祝军,何勇 SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE SCI 2021-02-27
17 Role of sucrose phosphate synthase and vacuolar invertase in postharvest sweetening of immature sweetpotato tuberous roots(Ipomoea betatas(L.) Lam cv 'Xinxiang') 茹磊 陆国权,杨虎清 SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE SCI 2021-02-22
18 MdHARBI1, a MdATG8i-interacting protein, plays a positive role in plant thermotolerance 霍柳青
19 Effect of short-term high temperature on the accumulation of glucosinolates in Brassica rapa 饶帅琦(学) 杨静,祝彪 PLANT PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOCHEMISTRY SCI 2021-02-16
20 Understanding of the postgerminative development response to salinity and drought stresses in cucumber seeds by integrated proteomics and transcriptomics analysis 杜长霞 樊怀福 Journal of Proteomics SCI 2021-02-10
21 甘蓝 BoQRT3 基因的克隆和表达分析 童敏杨(学) 郁有健 分子植物育种
22 赤霉素及噻苯隆处理对‘夏黑’葡萄 赵茂香(学) 郑伟尉 中外葡萄与葡萄酒
23 Overexpression of sly-miR398b increased salt sensitivity likely via regulating antioxidant system and photosynthesis in tomato 何勇 朱祝军 ENVIRONMENTAL AND EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY SCI 2021-01-10
24 根癌农杆菌介导的双孢蘑菇转基因体系的建立 乔燕楠(学) 张岚岚,李南羿 食用菌学报 CSSCI 2021-01-02