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发布日期:2022-03-29    作者:     来源:     点击:








2014.12 - 现在: bat365在线平台官网,教授

2013.9– 2014.12: 河南大学,教授

2008.9 - 2013.6:爱沙尼亚生命科学大学,兼职研究员,植物生理学博士


1) 浙江省重点研发计划项目, 亚热带森林康养因子挖掘、智慧检测及功效评价关键技术(2021C02005),2021.1-2024.12, 第三参与人.

2) 国家面上项目,植物异戊二烯释放及其合成调控的抗逆性机制研究2021.1-2024.12,主持。

3) 浙江省公益技术应用研究项目,植物BVOCs在园林景观和生态保健中的应用研究 (2016C32018)2016/01-2018/12主持。


1. Sun Z*, Shen Y and Niinemets U* (2020). Responses of isoprene emission and photochemical effciency to severe drought combined with prolonged hot weather in hybrid Populus. Journal of Experimental Botany, Vol. 71, No. 22 7364–7381.

2. Yuan Y, Sun Z*, Astrid Kännastec, Guo M, Zhou G, Niinemets U*, Isoprenoid and aromatic compound emissions in relation to leaf structure, plant growth form and species ecology in 45 East-Asian urban subtropical woody species. (2020), Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 53, 126705

3. Guo M*, Zhao X, Brodelius P, Shao C, Fang L, Sun Z* and Wang R. (2020) J. Chem.Soc.Pak., 42 (3), 369-380,

4. Guo M, Lv D, Shao C, Kuang Y and Sun Z*. (2019) Analysis of the Interaction Mechanisms of Polysaccharide Homologs Binding with Serum Albumin Using Capillary Electrophorsis. J.Chem.Soc.Pak., 41 (4), 640-649.

5. 沈燕,方升佐, 孙志鸿* (2019). 盐胁迫对欧美杂交杨异戊二烯释放和光合参数的影响. 应用与环境生物学报 Chin J Appl Environ Biol25 ( 1 ) : 0083-0088

6. 商天其,孙志鸿* (2019.香樟幼龄林不同叶龄叶片的光合特征和单萜释放规律. 应用与环境生物学报 Chin J Appl Environ Biol, 25 ( 1 ): 0089-0099

7. 郑俊明,吕志强, 孙志鸿* (2018). 重度干旱对三种桑树生物量及其生理生化影响的机理探索. 西北林学院学报,33(4),44-51.

8.Niinemets U.#, Sun Z., Talts E., Controls of the quantum yield and saturation light of isoprene emission in different-aged aspen leaves. Plant Cell & Environment 2015, 38:2707- 2720.

9.Niinemets U#. and Sun Z., How light, temperature, and measurement and growth [CO2] interactively control isoprene emission in hybrid aspen. Journal of Experimental Botany 2015, 66: 841-851.

10.Grote R.#, Morfopoulos C., Niinemets U., Sun Z., Keenan T., Pacifico F., Butler T., A fully integrated isoprenoid emissions model coupling emissions to photosynthetic characteristics. Plant Cell & Environment2014, 37:1965-1980.

11.Morfopoulos C.#, Sperlich D., Peñuelas J., Filella C. I., Llusià J., Medlyn B. E., Niinemets U., Possell M., Sun Z., Prentice I. C., A model of plant isoprene emission based on available reducing power captures responses to atmospheric CO2. New Phytologist 2014, 203:125-139.

12.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Hüve K., Vislap V., (2013). Elevated [CO2] magnifies isoprene emissions under heat, improves thermal resistance in hybrid aspen. Journal of Experimental Botany 2013, 64: 5509-5523.

13.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Hüve K., Rasulov B., Noe S. M., Elevated atmospheric CO2concentration leads to increased whole-plant isoprene emission in hybrid aspen (Populus tremulaxP. tremuloides). New Phytologist 2013, 198:788-800.

14.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Hüve K., Noe S. M., Rasulov B., Copolovici L., Vislap V., Enhanced isoprene emission capacity and altered light responsiveness in aspen grown under elevated atmospheric CO2concentration. Global Change Biology2012, 18: 3423-3440.

15.Sun Z., Copolovici L., Niinemets U.*, Can the Capacity for Isoprene Emission Acclimate to Environmental Modifications During Autumn Senescence in Temperate Deciduous Tree Species Populus Tremula? Journal of Plant Research 2012, 125: 263-274.

16.Sun Z., Niinements U.*, Copolovici L., Foliar isoprene emission during autumn senescence in aspen (populus tremula). Goldschmidt Conference GeochimicaetCosmochimica Acta 2009, 73:A1295.

17.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Hüve K., Noe SM., Rasulov B., Will higher CO2concentration influence our atmosphere quality by changing isoprene emission rate from plants in the future? Society for Experimental Biology (SEB) Annual Main Meeting 2011, Abstract book, 204.

18.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Vislap V., Hüve K., Heat Stress Responsiveness of Hybrid aspen (Populus tremula x P. tremuloides) Grown under Elevated CO2. Plant Abiotic Stress Tolerence II 2012, Progrem and Abstract, N23.

19.Sun Z., Niinemets U.*, Noe SM., Rasulov B., The Influence of elevated CO2on isoprene emission on leaf and canopy scale from aspen (populus tremula). 2nd TERRABITES Symposium TERRABITES Symposium 2012, Abstract Book, 29.


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