孙学鹏,男,教授、博士生导师,国家“海外优青”,浙江省杰出青年基金获得者,浙江省生物医药大数据专家委员会委员。2015年毕业于浙江大学植物病理学专业,农学博士,在美国康奈尔大学分别进行博士生联合培养(2012.12-2015.05)和博士后研究(2015.12-2020.11)。主要从事植物进化及功能基因组学研究,目前致力于通过计算生物学、基因组学、表观基因组学和基因编辑等方法系统解析果树基因组中的功能元件并探索其在果树遗传改良中的应用。近年来主持、参与国家级项目多项,以第一作者或通讯作者(含共同)在Cell,Nature Genetics,Nature Communications,Molecular Plant,Current Biology,New Phytologist,Plant Biotechnology Journal,Journal of Experimental Botany及 Journal of Virology等期刊上发表论文数十篇,授权专利2项。
bat365在线平台官网人才启动项, 2021-2025,主持
1. H Lou#, L Song#, X Li#, H Zi, W Chen, Y Gao, S Zheng, Z Fei*, X Sun*, J Wu* (2023). The Torreya grandis genome illuminates the origin and evolution of gymnosperm-specific sciadonic acid biosynthesis. Nature Communications 14:1315
2. J Gong, H Yang, Y Xu, Y Zeng, P Liu, C Chen, P Wang*, X Sun* (2023). Differential regulation of red light- and ethephon-induced degreening in postharvest kumquat fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology 198:112264.
3. J Gong, H Zhang, Y Zeng, Y Cheng, X Sun*, P Wang* (2022). Combining BN-PAGE and microscopy techniques to investigate pigment-protein complexes and plastid transitions in citrus fruit. Plant Methods, 124.
4. L Wang#, X Sun#, Y Peng#, K Chen#, S Wu#, Y Guo, J Zhang, H Yang, T Jin, L Wu, X Zhou, B Liang, Z Zhao, D Liu*, Z Fei*, L Bai* (2022). Genomic insights into the origin, adaptive evolution, and herbicide resistance of Leptochloa chinensis, a devastating tetraploid weedy grass in rice fields. Molecular Plant 15:1045-1058.
5. X Cai#, X Sun#, C Xu#, H Sun, X Wang, C Ge, Z Zhang, Q Wang*, Z Fei*, C Jiao*#, Q Wang* (2021). Genomic analyses provide insights into spinach domestication and the genetic basis of agronomic traits. Nature Communications, 12:7246.
6. X Sun#, C Jiao#, H Schwaninger#, T Chao, Y Ma, N Duan, A Khan, K Xu, L Cheng , GY Zhong*, Z Fei* (2020). Phased diploid genome assemblies and pan-genomes provide insights into the genetic history of apple domestication. Nature Genetics 52:1423-1432.
7. C Jiao#, I Sørensen#, X Sun#, H Sun, H Behar, S Alseekh, G Philippe, KP Lopez, L Sun, R Reed, S Jeon, R Kiyonami, S Zhang, AR Fernie, H Brumer, DS Domozych*, Z Fei*, JKC Rose* (2020). The Penium margaritaceum genome: hallmarks of the origins of land plants. Cell 181: 1097-1111.
8. X Sun, W Chen, S Ivanov, AM MacLean, H Wight, T Ramaraj, J Mudge, M Harrison*, Z Fei* (2019). Genome and evolution of the arbuscular mycorrhizal fungus Diversispora epigaea (formerly Glomus versiforme) and its bacterial endosymbionts. New Phytologist 221:1556-1573.
9. J Luan#, X Sun#, Z Fei, AE Douglas* (2018). Maternal inheritance of a single somatic animal cell displayed by the bacteriocyte in the whitefly Bemisia tabaci. Current Biology 28:459-465.